Emotions Shall be Laid to Waste


This is the first episode of Shamecore Records!

Leah Payne is a professor of Christian studies at George Fox University, author of Gender and Pentecostal Revivalism: Making a Female Ministry in the Early Twentieth Century and co-host for The Weird Religion Podcast. You can follow her on twitter here. She is currently working on a book on CCM and you can help her out by filling out her CCM survey, if you grew up listening to any kind of Christian music. 

You can follow Becky Castle Miller on twitter, instagram and buy her books here. Her full 50-minute interview is up over at Attached to the Invisible, where she talks more in depth about emotions, evangelicalism, and what following Jesus in our emotional life looks like.

Here’s Bill Bright’s Four Spiritual Laws that Becky refers to in her interview. 

Songs in this episode:

Adam, Soiled Rags and A Life Wasted Sleeping,by Nodes of Ranvier.

Memphis Will Be Laid to Waste by Norma Jean with Aaron Weiss with audio from a live recording from Furnace Fest 2002.

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You can follow Krispin at twitter and instagram and sign up for a monthly email about attachment, spirituality and evangelicalism here

You can follow DL on twitter and instagram, and buy her books here. 

Send us an email!

Zech Bard designed artwork for the season and Forrest Johnson wrote and recorded theme music.


My Heart Broke


Electric Jesus interview with Daniel Smith (Danielson) & Chris White