Electric Jesus interview with Daniel Smith (Danielson) & Chris White


To start off the Shamecore Records season, Krispin interviewed director Chris White and composer/musician, Daniel Smith about their recent movie Electric Jesus. At the end of the episode, D.L. shares a bit about forming an evanegalistic punk rock band when she was 13 years old. 

The soundtrack for Electric Jesus just released, and is filled with both Christian hair metal and Danielson’s weird indie rock. 

We’ve been a longtime of fan of Daniel Smith’s music as Daielson, and one of our favorite albums is Fetch the Compass Kids.

You can watch a whole documentary about Danielson here and it is wonderful.

Here is the Believer article about Danielson that D.L. mentions.

Next week, we’ll really dive into talking about Christian hardcore and the emotional experience of growing up evangelical. 

You can follow the podcast on twitter or instagram, where D.L. will post pictures of her punk rock days. 

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You can follow Krispin on twitter or instagram, and DL. on twitter and instagram.

D.L.’s most recent book The Myth of the American Dream is also available!


Emotions Shall be Laid to Waste


The Last Last Battle