graphic by Zech Bard

Leave Us a Voicemail!

Did you read Christian Romance books growing up? Francine Rivers, Christy Miller Series, Amish Romance—you name it, we want to hear your thoughts on it — and we might share your story on the podcast!

Tell us the book that impacted you the most. Or try and sum up a plot-line you can barely remember but seems too weird to be true. We want the good, the bad, the ugly, and the unintentionally hilarious.

If you are comfortable, leave us your name, age and where you are calling from. If you want to drop us a message but don’t want to be on the podcast, just let us know!

There are two easy ways to send us a voicemail.

Simply call:

‪(612) 656-9562‬

or record a voice memo and send it to