Sons of Holy Wrath


We’re posting on Sunday because this is a special 4th of July Episode! (You know we’re SO patriotic like that!)

What’s the connection between Father John Misty (Joshua Tillman, also from Fleet Foxes) and the navy seal who killed Osama Bin Laden?

This is a short episode where Krispin talks about this weird connection, and then we have a replay of an old Prophetic Imagination Station episode where we discuss Adventures in Odyssey’s episode “The Price of Freedom.”

Here’s the Esquire article mentioned in the episode.

And the press release from Demon Hunter.

Hear the rest of Brad Jersak’s interview here.

Watch the Training For Utopia video and let me know what you think!

Here are the songs of the episode:

Nancy From Now on by Father John Misty

Turn Your Back and Run by Demon Hunter

Not Ready to Die by Demon Hunter

The Soldier’s Song by Demon Hunter

Throwin’ Out Tha Wicked by T-Bone

Demon Executor by T-Bone

Good Feeling by Training For Utopia


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You can follow DL on twitter and instagram, and buy her books here. 

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Zech Bard designed artwork for the season and Forrest Johnson wrote and recorded theme music. 


The Soft Song


The Creation of Hell