Frank Peretti’s America Episode 5: The Quarantine Carman Deep-Dive Extravaganza


Episode 5: The Quarantine Carman Deep-Dive Extravaganza 

Welcome to a special quarantine edition of the Prophetic Imagination Station season 4: Frank Peretti’s imagination. Today we break up all the This Present Darkness talk to do a little deep dive into Carman--and specifically, the song Revival in the Land. Watch, and then listen to us jabber about it!


Hi, we are going stir-crazy so we did a lip sync to Carman’s song Satan Bite the Dust. And you know what? It’s pretty good! (Here’s a link to the actual Carman approved video for Satan bite the Dust)

12: jack chick Halloween tract

21: yo kids/RIOT/

25: Myth of the American Dream

26: Mid faith crisis exile (episode 79)

28: James Alison On Being Liked

30: T-bone Demon Executor (the electric chair song)

30: Krispin’s rap

32: Todd Bently 

44: sling bang boom (with Hanson!)

45: Addicted 2 Jesus (with DC Talk!)


Frank Peretti’s America Episode 6: This Present Conspiracy


Frank Peretti's America Episode 4: Facing Our Demons...For Reals? (Interview with Brad Jersak)