Destroy the Me that Lives Inside


Pádraig Ó Tuama is an Irish writer, poet & theologian. Host of On Being's Poetry Unbound podcast, he was recently named On Being's Theologian in Residence. From 2014-2019 he was the leader of the Corrymeela Community, Ireland's oldest peace and reconciliation organization. 

Our favorite book by Pádraig is In the Shelter, which was just re-relased last month with a foreword from Krista Tippet.

You can follow him on twitter and instagram.

You can follow Heather Patton Griffin on twitter - she has so many great twitter threads on these topics!

You heard a voicemail from Zech Bard in this episode - who also did the wonderful artwork for the season.


You can listen to the two Underoath songs here and here


Check out Comedy Has an Ouchie here.

You can support the show by becoming a patreon

You can follow the show on twitter and instagram, and visit our website

You can follow Krispin at twitter and instagram and sign up for a monthly email about attachment, spirituality and evangelicalism here

You can follow DL on twitter and instagram, and buy her books here. 

Send us an email!

Zech Bard designed artwork for the season and Forrest Johnson wrote and recorded theme music. 


I’m a Vampire


My Heart Broke