But is it Changing a Wretch Like Me? Pt 2

"Oh how sweet is the sound / I know it saved, but is it changing a wretch like me?"

Krispin explains addictive behaviors from an attachment perspective and asks whether Christianity offers any concrete help when we’re stuck in behaviors we want to stop. Krispin talks with Heather Patton Griffin about how many churches approach growth and transformation, “try harder to mean it more,” and what often gets missed.

We keep talking about This From My Lips by Yours My Sin is Purged by As Cities Burn

You can follow Heather Patton Griffin on twitter - she has so many great twitter threads on these topics!

Here are all the songs referenced in this episode:


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You can follow Krispin at twitter and instagram and sign up for a monthly email about attachment, spirituality and evangelicalism here

You can follow DL on twitter and instagram, and buy her books here. 

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Zech Bard designed artwork for the season and Forrest Johnson wrote and recorded theme music. 


I Thought You Had Me Forever


But is it Changing a Wretch Like Me? Pt 1