Interview with Torri Williams Douglass (Ep 11 of The Lion, the Witch & the Evangelicals)

Tori Williams Douglass is a writer, speaker, educator, and activist. She is the creator of White Homework which is a curriculum designed to help people create their own personalized antiracism plan. The courses were developed as a response to the hundreds of requests she got from individuals asking, “I don’t want to be racist, but what do I DO?” Prior to this, she worked in higher ed, doing recruitment for Underrepresented Minorities in STEM. She lives with her family in Portland, Oregon. 

Also she’s a great twitter follow. 

“The Chronicles of Narnia was required reading for homeschoolers.”

Anyone else remember Abeka homeschool curriculum?! 

D.L. wrote this piece on reading Little House on the Prairie with kids. 

Aslan is a drama queen… (remember how Mr. Whitaker, drama queen for the patriarchy in Season 4 of Prophetic Imagination Station?)

Rereading our childhood favorites actually is a good place to start reading with a decolonize lens. We are already comfortable with them - but it takes a lot of extra time. 

Krispin grew up with Hannah Barbarra Bible videos like these

No art is perfect - but sometimes it’s not worth it. 

Krispin mentions Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria by Beverly Daniel Tatum


The Conspiracy Station


Q & A with Matt Mikalatos (Live Patreon Event)